Eclipse™ DualTec Field Flow Fractionation System, Wyatt Technology Corporation (CAT#: STEM-LE-2018-LC)


Robust separation of macromolecules and nanoparticles from 1 nm-1000 nm with excellent resolution
Typical analysis time 5-30 minutes
No stationary phase-open channel separation, minimum shear and surface interaction

Cat Number: STEM-LE-2018-LC

Application: Separating proteins, biopolymers, polymers, and nanoparticles

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The Eclipse® DualTec™ system provides hollow fiber flow FFF (HF5) and asymmetric flow FFF (AF4) technologies. It allows you to characterize the molecular weight, size and conformation of large molecules with the same HPLC pump and autosampler, as well as the same MALS and DLS light scattering detectors. Click the mouse to switch between the two separation technologies.


Type:Asymmetric-Flow Field-Flow Fractionation
Dimensions:(WxDxH) 36 x 64 x 25 cm
Max. Flow Rate:10 mL/min (crossflow plus detector flow rate)
Particle Size:1 nm to 1000 nm


Robust separation of macromolecules and nanoparticles from 1 nm-1000 nm with excellent resolution
Typical analysis time 5-30 minutes
No stationary phase-open channel separation, minimum shear and surface interaction
Multiple separation channel options, allowing sample loading from nL to mL, including semi-prepared FFF
Only by adjusting the flow ratio, the separation method can be optimized to improve the degree of separation or separation range, and can be programmed even during operation
Fractions can be collected and used for offline analysis (by electron microscope, MS, ICP-MS, ELISA, etc.)
Use a single HPLC and detector set to choose between any two separations in SEC, AF4 or HF5 modes
Take advantage of the highest quality HPLC pumps and autosamplers from Agilent, Shimadzu, Thermo Fisher or Waters
Integration with Agilent, Dionex or Shimadzu HPLC software
Coupling to ICP-MS to analyze nanoparticles in each size bin

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