Elix® Reference Water Purification Systems,3 to 15 L/h, Merck KGaA (CAT#: STEM-LE-0369-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0369-LC

Application: Laboratory Water Purification

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Elix® Reference provides Type 2 which is ideal feed for any laboratory equipment (including ultrapure water systems, such as the Milli-Q® system).

The Elix® Reference comibines patented Elix® module (EDI technology) with Progard® complete pretreatment and intelligent reverse osmosis technology. According to the daily demand, different production flow rates (3, 5, 10 and 15 L/h) can be provided. It provides excellent and stable water quality while protecting the environment (self-regeneration of resin beads, minimal power consumption and unnecessary extra softener). Intelligent reverse osmosis controls water consumption, ensuring constant product flow and optimal water quality. All of these can extend the life of reverse osmosis membranes and downstream purification technologies.


Dimensions (WxDxH): 346 x 484 x 500 mm
Method: Electrodeionization
Output: 3 to 15 L/h depending on model
Resistivity:> 5 MOcm at 25 °C
Total Organic Carbon (TOC): < 30 ppb

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