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Empty Spin Protein Purification Columns, 2.0 mL Collection Tubes, 800 μL Spin Columns With Lids, Frits and Bottom Caps, STE-Mart (CAT#: STEM-CCC-0635-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-CCC-0635-LC

Application: For sample processing

Model: FC7400-1

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Empty Spin Protein Purification Columns provided by STE-Mart provide a very economical and convenient solution for processing of a large number of samples in a very short time.


Description: 2 mL Empty Spin Protein Purification Columns,
Including Collection Tubes (2.0 mL), Spin Columns (800 μL, with lids), Frits and Bottom Caps
Tubing material: Polypropylene
Frit material: Ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMW-PE)
Qty.: 100/PK