Foliar Fertilizer Testing

The principle of foliar fertilizer is that nutrients are applied to the surface of crop leaves and the fertilizer function is played through the absorption of leaves. Foliar fertilizer makes up for the lack of root fertilization, helps to make crops quickly supplement nutrition and has the advantages of economic and practical.

Foliar fertilizer testing can help people fully understand the composition, performance and element content of foliar fertilizer. This is not only conducive to the development of high-quality foliar fertilizer and the optimization of foliar fertilizer application technology, but also to identify potential risks of foliar fertilizer application to avoid environmental pollution.

STEMart provides comprehensive foliar fertilizer testing services to improve the quality of foliar fertilizer, optimize fertilizer application technology and promote the growth of crops.

Test Samples of Foliar Fertilizer Testing

Macroelement foliar fertilizer, medium element foliar fertilizer, trace element foliar fertilizer, plant growth regulator type foliar fertilizer, amino acid foliar fertilizer, natural active substance type foliar fertilizer, etc.

Standard Tests of Foliar Fertilizer Testing

  • Elemental analysis: macroelement (nitrogen, phosphorus pentoxide, potassium oxide), medium elements (calcium, magnesium), trace elements (copper, iron, manganese, zinc, boron, molybdenum), etc.
  • Nutrient content testing: organic matter, total nutrient, amino acid, humic acid, etc.
  • Effective live bacteria testing: photosynthetic bacteria, yeast, lactic acid bacteria, bacillus, etc.
  • Enzyme testing: cellulase, amylase, protease, etc.
  • Physical and chemical index testing: moisture, pH, water insoluble matter, particle size, fineness, etc.
  • Heavy metal testing: lead, chromium, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, etc.
  • Other microbial testing: miscellaneous bacteria rate, ascarid egg mortality rate, fecal coliform number, etc.

For more information about our foliar fertilizer testing services, please contact us.

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