Gemini VII 2390 Surface Area Analyzer, Micromeritics Instrument Corporation (CAT#: STEM-LE-0448-LC)


Low cost
Fully automatic operation
High throughput – up to four Geminis can be operated with single computer

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0448-LC

Application: Pharmaceuticals, Ceramics, Adsorbents, Activated Carbons, Carbon Black, Catalyst, Paints and Coatings, Projectile Propellant, Medical Implants, Electronics, Cosmetics, Aerospace, Geoscience and Fuel Cells

Model: Gemini VII 2390

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Gemini VII 2390 Surface Area Analyzer can quickly and reliably provide accurate and repeatable measurement result of surface area and porosity. Gemini is ecnomical, fast, easy to use, reliable and rugged. T-method can be used to determine single-point and multi-point BET and Langmuir surface areas, total pore volume and Micropore analysis. method. General electrical input.


Gases: Optimized for Nitrogen; typically Oxygen, Argon, Carbon dioxide, Butane, Methane and Other light hydrocarbons
Measures: Surface Area and Porosity
Pressure Range: 0 to 950 mmHg


Low cost
Fully automatic operation
High throughput – up to four Geminis can be operated with single computer
Capable of measuring low surface area materials
Keypad or computer-operated with Windows-driven software
Choice of analysis mode (scan or equilibrate)
No pressure overshoot
Common mode rejection of free-space error effects
No thermal-diffusion errors
Optional stainless-steel Dewars
21 CFR Part 11 software option
IQ/OQ Validation service (optional)

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