Glutaredoxins Analysis in Plant Tissues

Glutaredoxins (GRXs) are small glutathione (GSH) dependent oxidoreductases that catalyze reversible reduction of disulfide bonds of their substrate proteins by using the reducing power of GSH and function in scavenging cellular ROS and regulating redox homeostasis within these organelles. GRXs in plant are involved in various stress responses including Type II peroxiredoxins reduction, dehydroascorbate reduction, peroxidase activity, methylviologen response, methionine sulfoxide reductase regeneration and interaction with thioredoxins. Expression analysis of the glutaredoxin suggests their role in regulating plant the plant responses to fungal infection and abiotic stress conditions, including arsenic, high temperature, drought, salt, hydrogen peroxide and oxidative stress.

STEMart provides comprehensive analysis services to identify and investigate the function of GRX in regulating plant environmental stress responses.

Test Samples

Plant tissue

Test Capabilities

  • Identification of GRX genes
  • Phylogenetic analysis of GRX genes
  • Structure analysis of GRX genes
  • Expression profile of GRX genes of plant under stress conditions
  • 3D structure and physicochemical properties of GRX genes
  • Subcellular localization of GRX enzymes and Isoenzymes analysis
  • Activity determination of GRX

Why Choose Us

  • Comprehensive test report including relevant experimental steps, relevant parameters of the experiment, original pictures, original data, and complete experiment results
  • Customized service for plant research
  • Professional instruments and equipment for reliable data and results
  • Rapid turnaround and cost-effective

For more information about our plant GRX analysis service, please contact us.


  1. La Camera, S., L'Haridon, F., Astier, J., Zander, M., Abou-Mansour, E., Page, G., et al. (2011). “The glutaredoxin ATGRXS13 is required to facilitate Botrytis cinerea infection of Arabidopsis thaliana plants“. Plant J. 68, 507–519.
  2. Guo, Y. S., Huang, C. J., Xie, Y., Song, F. M., and Zhou, X. P. (2010). “A tomato glutaredoxin gene SlGRX1 regulates plant responses to oxidative, drought and salt stresses”. Planta 232. 1499–1509.
  3. Sundaram, S., and Rathinasabapathi, B. (2010). “Transgenic expression of fern Pteris vittata glutaredoxin PvGrx5 in Arabidopsis thaliana increases plant tolerance to high temperature stress and reduces oxidative damage to proteins”. Planta 231. 361–369

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