High-Efficiency PP Magnetic Drive Pump; 132 GPM/100 ft, 3 HP 230/460V, Cole-Parmer (CAT#: STEM-DS-0822-LC)


Runs dry for up to one hour

Cat Number: STEM-DS-0822-LC

Application: Filtering, spraying, washing, and etching

Model: 72009-30

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High-Efficiency PP Magnetic Drive Pump manufactured by Cole-Parmer is designed for filtering, spraying, washing, and etching. The split volute casing create a volute chamber for increased pump efficiency, reduced horsepower and decreased energy consumption


Max Flow Rate (GPM): 132
Max Flow Rate (LPM): 499.7
Max Head (ft): 100
Max Head (m): 30.5
Max Pressure (PSI): 62
Max Pressure (bar): 4.3
Max Motor RPM (rpm): 3500
Motor Type: TEFC
Power (VAC): 208 to 230/ 460
Power (Hz): 60
Power (amps):7.6/3.8
Run Dry:Yes
Max Temperature (° F):176
Max Temperature (° C):80
Duty Cycle Continuous:Yes
Width (in):10.25
Length (in):20.75
Height (in):11
Width (cm):26
Length (cm):52.7
Height (cm):27.9
Motor hp:3


Runs dry for up to one hour

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