Histo Plas Capsette, White, BIO PLAS., INC. (CAT#: STEM-HE-0018-LC)


16 colors available to conveniently separate surgical and autopsy cases, institutions, pathologist, etc..
Cost effective
Remain sealed during processing

Cat Number: STEM-HE-0018-LC

Application: Designed for safe and consistent processing, embedding, sectioning and storage of specimen samples

Model: BP-6030

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Histo Plas Capsette manufactured by BIO PLAS., INC. is made of proprietary acetyl copolymer plastic with resistance against heat, solvents, and decalcifying solutions. Histo Plas Capsette is compatible with all of the current automatic cassette labelers. Histo Plas Capsette is designed with slots for efficient solvent flow and drainage.


Overall Size: 40mm x 28mm x 6mm


16 colors available to conveniently separate surgical and autopsy cases, institutions, pathologist, etc..
Cost effective
Remain sealed during processing
Fit standard stainless steel, and disposable plastic base mold