Honey is a natural sweet substance that is fully brewed by bees after collecting nectar, secretions or honeydew from plants, mixing it with their own secretions. With people's awareness of the health care function of honey, people's demand for honey is also growing. However, in the case of imperfect regulatory mechanisms, adulterated and counterfeit honey are flooding the consumer market.
The importance of honey testing is self-evident. On the one hand, qualified honey can provide rich nutrition and health care effects to the human body; on the other hand, unqualified honey may contain harmful substances and cause harm to human health. Therefore, consumers should choose qualified brands and merchants when purchasing honey, and also pay attention to honey test reports to ensure the quality and safety of honey.
STEMart provides comprehensive honey testing services to provide inspection reports that meet relevant regulations and international standards, making sure it meets the requirements for sale, import and export.
Honey, bee pollen, propolis, beeswax, and royal jelly
For more information about our honey testing services, please contact us.