Huamo ULP-8040 Low pressure RO membrane, 400ft2 (37.2m2), Huamo (CAT#: STEM-GMAE-4854-LGZ)

Cat Number: STEM-GMAE-4854-LGZ

Application: For industrial water treatment.

Model: ULP-8040

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ULP-8040 membrane element is a helically wound composite polyamide membrane element for brackish water treatment. These membranes are characterized by low operating feed pressures, typically 150psi (1.05MPa), resulting in higher salt removal (especially suitable for removal of TOC, SiO2, etc.), above 99.1%. These membranes are designed for industrial water treatment applications (NaCl≤2000ppm, salt content≤2000us/cm), such as treatment of surface water, groundwater, tap water and food processing, municipal water for pharmaceutical production...


Active Membrane: 400ft2 (37.2m2)
Average Permeate: 10,500gpd (40m3/d)
Stable Rejection: 99.5%
Min. Rejection: 99.1%
Spacer Net Thickness: 31mil (0.79mm)

Testing Conditions
Testing Pressure: 150psi (1.05MPa)
Temperature of Testing Solution: 25℃
Concentration of Testing Solution (NaCl): 1,500ppm
pH Value of Testing Solution: 7.5
Recovery Rate of Single Element: 15%

Operation Limits & conditions
Max. Feed Water Flow: 75gpm (17m3/h)
Max. Working Pressure: 600psi (4.14MPa)
Max. Feed Water Temperature: 45℃
Max. Feed Water SDI15: <5
pH Range of Feed Water During Continuous Operation: 3~10
pH Range of Feed Water During Chemical Cleaning: 2~12
Residual Chlorine Concentration of Feed Water: <0.1 ppm
Max. Pressure Drop of Single Element: 10psi (0.07MPa)
Max.Turbidity NTU: 1.0

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