Hydrolab HL7 Multiparameter Water Quality Detector, -5-50℃, Hach (CAT#: STEM-AI-0697-YJL)


Simple and intuitive operation software interface design
Up to 13 different sensor options
Designed to withstand the rigors of everyday field deployment

Cat Number: STEM-AI-0697-YJL

Application: It is suitable for: environmental emergency survey, lake and reservoir profiling survey, river and stream survey, coastal monitoring, groundwater research, wetland management, harbor and port survey, aquaculture protection, dredging management, sewage discharge supervision, farmland runoff, ecosystem assessment plan.

Model: Hydrolab HL7

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Hydrolab HL7 Multiparameter Water Quality Detector, -5-50℃, model Hydrolab HL7 is manufactured by Hach. Hydrolab HL7 Multi-parameter Water quality analyzer is a new multi-parameter, wide-range water quality monitoring instrument, which can be used for surface water, groundwater, source water, sewage outlet, drinking water, ocean and other water quality online and portable monitoring. Monitoring parameters include dissolved oxygen, pH, ORP (REDOX potential), electrical conductivity (salinity, total dissolved solids, resistance), temperature, depth, turbidity, chlorophyll a, blue-green algae, Rhodamine WT, ammonium/ammonia ions, nitrate ions, chloride ions, a total of 13 parameters. The HL7 can measure up to 10 parameters simultaneously, and with a self-cleaning brush, it can adapt to sewage environments with high sediment or other impurities.


Range: -5 to 50°C
Accuracy: ± 0.10°C
Resolution: 0.01°C
Range: 0 to 100 mS/cm
Accuracy: ±0.5 % of reading + 0.001 mS/cm
Resolution: 0.001 mS/cm
Range: 0 to 14 units
Accuracy: ± 0.2 units
Resolution: 0.01 units
dissolved oxygen
Range: 0 to 60 mg/L
Accuracy: ± 0.1 mg/L when ≤8 mg/L
Resolution: ± 0.2 mg/L when 8…20mg/L
Range: -999 to 999mV
Accuracy: ± 20mV
Resolution: 1mV
Self-cleaning turbidity
Range: 0 to 3000 NTU
Accuracy: ± 1% up to 100 NTU, ± 3% from 100 to 400 NTU, ± 5% from 400 to 3000 NTU
Resolution: 0.1 up to 400 NTU, 1.0 from 400 to 3000 NTU
Ammonium/Ammonia ion
Range: 0 to 250 mg/L-N
Accuracy: ± 10 % of reading or ± 2 mg/L, whichever is greater
Resolution: 0.01 mg/L-N
Nitrate ion
Range: 0 to 250 mg/L-N
Accuracy: ± 10 % of reading or ± 2 mg/L, whichever is greater
Resolution: 0.01 mg/L-N
Range: 0 to 18000 mg/L
Accuracy: ± 10 % of reading or ± 5 mg/L, whichever is greater
Resolution: 0.01mg/L
Depth 0-25, 100, 200 meters
Range: 0 to 25, 100, 200 meters
Accuracy: ± 0.05 meters (25, 100 meters probe), ± 0.1 meters (200 meters probe)
Resolution: 0.01m (25, 100m probe), 0.1m (200m probe)
Chlorophyll a
Range: 0 to 500 μg/L
Precision: Linearity: 0.998R² Serial dilution of Rhodamine WT
Resolution: 0.01μg/L
Freshwater blue-green algae
Range: 0 to 40000 ppb
Accuracy: Linear: 0.999R²
Resolution: Serial Dilution of Phycocyanin Pigment from Digestive Enzymes Diluted in DI Water
the host
Outer Diameter: 8.9 cm
Length: 66.4 cm
Weight: (typical configuration) 4.5 kg
Maximum depth: 200 meters
Operating temperature: -5 to 50°C
Battery supply: 4 D-type batteries
Interface: RS232, SDI-12, RS485
Memory: 4GB


Simple and intuitive operation software interface design
Up to 13 different sensor options
Designed to withstand the rigors of everyday field deployment
Self-monitoring system reports instrument status
Approximately 90 days of continuous use under typical conditions
Central cleaning brush reduces biofouling and greatly prolongs instrument field life
Durable sensor suite helps maintain low cost water quality monitoring
Long-term data stability and accuracy with central cleaning brush
Five optical sensor ports provide more sensor options for various monitoring applications
Durable pH reference sensor helps reduce maintenance costs

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