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ICPMS-2030 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer, Shimadzu (CAT#: STEM-LE-1195-LC)


Method development assistant to easily develop reliable methods
After running, the diagnostic assistant automatically detects and corrects isobaric interference
The newly developed helium collision cell eliminates polyatomic interference while maintaining high sensitivity

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1195-LC

Application: MS

Model: ICPMS-2030

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ICPMS-2030 has unmatched sensitivity and easy maintenance, while optimizing the newly developed collision cell and internal ion path geometry to suppress molecular interference. In addition, ICPMS-2030 has a unique analysis assistant function and a proprietary cost-reduction function, which can provide efficient and sensitive trace element analysis for environmental testing, food and agricultural research, and pharmaceutical work.


Mass Analyzer:Quadrupole
Dynamic Range:109
Mass Range:5 to 260
Detector(s):Electron multiplier


Method development assistant to easily develop reliable methods
After running, the diagnostic assistant automatically detects and corrects isobaric interference
The newly developed helium collision cell eliminates polyatomic interference while maintaining high sensitivity
The lowest operating cost of any other ICP-MS on the market-the argon gas consumed by the proprietary micro-torch plasma is 2/3 of the traditional ICP-MS analyzer. The environmental protection model and the ability to use lower purity argon further reduce operating costs
Off-axis lens configuration eliminates photoelectric effect
Easy-to-maintain interface for extended uptime
Easy-to-maintain sample injection system and compact vacuum system