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ICPMS-2030 with AS-10 Autosampler System, Shimadzu (CAT#: STEM-CPO-1015-ZJF)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-1015-ZJF

Application: For inorganic analysis

Model: ICPMS-2030 / AS-10 Autosampler

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The manufacturer of the ICPMS-2030 With AS-10 Autosampler System is Shimadzu.
Featuring unique analysis assistant functions and incorporating proprietary cost-reducing capabilities, the ICPMS-2030 provides efficient, sensitive trace element analysis for applications in multiple industries. These include environmental testing, food and agriculture studies, cannabis testing, and pharmaceutical work for analysis of toxic elements according to USP regulations. Simplify your ICP-MS analysis, and obtain reliable trace-level results with confidence.
The Shimadzu ICP-MS 2030 offers a wide dynamic range and low detection limits, making it ideal for trace analysis and ultra-trace analysis. Its advanced data processing capabilities allow you to quickly and easily analyze and interpret your results.


Condition: Pre-owned
Plasma ion source: Sample spray chamber: Cyclone chamber (electronically cooled)
Plasma ion source: Plasma torch: Mini torch
Plasma ion source: Nebulizer: Coaxial
High-frequency power supply unit: 27 MHz, max. 1.4 kW
Mass spectrometer unit: Mass spectrometer: Quadrupole mass spectrometer
Mass spectrometer unit: Mass spectrometer: 5 to 260
Mass spectrometer unit: Collision cell: Octopole collision cell

Shimadzu ICPMS-2030 with AS-10 Autosampler System
AS-10 Autosampler
Riken Keiki Gas Monitor OX-600
Data System
Warranty Coverage


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Certified with warranty

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