Illumina Miseq FGx Sequencing System, Illumina (CAT#: STEM-GTPO-0033-ZJF)


High performance benchtop sequencer with intuitive touch‑screen and load-and-go reagents
Advanced capacity to process challenging DNA samples
Interrogates hundreds of markers in a single workflow

Cat Number: STEM-GTPO-0033-ZJF

Application: For forensic genomics

Model: Miseq FGx

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The Illumina Miseq FGx Sequencing System is manufactured by Illumina.
The MiSeq FGx Sequencing System is the first and only next-generation sequencing (NGS) instrument developed and validated for forensic genomics.
This unit will come certified with a 90 day warranty.


Condition: Certified pre-owned
Throughput: 1–384 samples per run, depending on assay
Maximum read length: 2 x 300 bp, depending on assay
Output (2 x 150 bp run): ≥ 5 Gb
Reads passing filters: 25 million
Q30 score (at read length of 2 x 150 bp): ≥ 80%
Total overall accuracy: ≥ 99.66%
Total overall reproducibility: ≥ 99.7%
Biomolecules that can be sequenced: gDNA, RNA, mtDNA
Modes: Forensic (FGx) and Research Use Only (RUO)
Power requirements: 100–240 V AC at 50/60Hz, 10A, 400 W
RFID radio frequency: 13.56 MHz
RFID power: 100 mW
Dimensions: 68.6 cm × 56.5 cm × 52.3 cm (27 in × 22.2 in × 20.6 in)
Weight: 54.5 kg (120 lbs)


High performance benchtop sequencer with intuitive touch‑screen and load-and-go reagents
Advanced capacity to process challenging DNA samples
Interrogates hundreds of markers in a single workflow
Optimized flexibility for human identification applications

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