The Ilmvac Vacuum Pump manufactured by Cole-Parmer is suitable for high vacuum applications. The high flow rate increases laboratory efficiency. Gas ballast purges any condensed gases in the pump
Gas Ballast:Yes Wetted Parts:PTFE, Kalrez®, ETFE Free-Air Capacity (CFM):2.6 Free-Air Capacity (LPM):75 Free-Air Capacity (LPH):4500 Max Flow Rate (CFM):2.63 Max Flow Rate (Liters/min):75 Max Vacuum (in Hg):29.86 Max Vacuum (mbar):2 Max Vacuum (mm Hg):1.5 Max Vacuum (torr):1.5 Port Size:8 mm hose barb Max Temperature (° F):104 Max Temperature (° C):40 Power (VAC):230 Power (Hz):50 Stages:3 Height (in):15 Width (in):9 Length (in):9 Height (cm):6.604 Width (cm):22.86 Length (cm):22.86 Height (mm):750 Width (mm):228.6 Length (mm):66.04 Motor hp:1/4
Unique flat diaphragm design reduces wear and tear to extend service life Vacuum level lower to 1.5 Torr Quiet operation with noisy level at 44 dB