A big variety of chemical components such as starting materials and processing aids including lubricants and mould-release agents used in the manufacture of medical device, adhesive/solvent residues from assembly process, and sterilant residues from sterilization process may be present in a finished product. It shall be taken into consideration that whether these components have the potential irritation activity. Irritation is characterized by inflammation, redness, swelling, heat, and/or pain. The Intracutaneous Reactivity Testing is an in vivo assay for the assessment of the potential of medical device used as an implant or external communicating device to cause irritation.
STEMart offers in vivo Intracutaneous Reactivity Testing according to the biocompatibility guidelines modified for medical devices.
Expose the test animals to the extract from medical device by intradermal injection. Observe and grade the tissue reaction (erythema and oedema formation) of each injection site to evaluate the potential of the medical device to produce irritation.
Adult albino rabbits
Administer the test substance extracted from medical device with polar or non-polar solvent by intracutaneous injection to the back of the animal on one side of the spine. The solvent controls are injected on the contralateral side of each rabbit.
Visualize the formation of erythema and oedema on the injection sites immediately after injection and at 24 ± 2 hours, 48 ± 2 hours and 72 ± 2 hours after injection.
Grade the tissue reaction for erythema and oedema and calculate the overall mean score of each test substance and control. Obtain the final test substance score by subtracting the score of the control from the test substance score.
If you have additional questions about Intracutaneous Reactivity Testing or would like to find out more about our services, please feel free to contact us.