iStar 312 T CCD Camera, USB 2.0 Connection, Andor Technology (CAT#: STEM-LE-1440-Y)


High-resolution sensor and image intensifier;
High QE Gen 2 and 3 image intensifier;
True optical gating <2 ns;

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1440-Y

Application: Andor's iStar DH312T enhanced CCD camera series is designed for fast, ns-level time resolution imaging.

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The iStar 312 T CCD Camera is manufactured by Andor Technology. The 512 x 512 array is very suitable for PLIF-based combustion analysis and plasma plume analysis with ns time resolution. It provides multi-MHz readout acquisition at more than 15 frames per second, as well as a laptop-friendly USB 2.0 connection and a fully integrated software-controlled digital delay generator.


Type: CCD camera
Pixel resolution: 512 x 512
Frame rate: up to 15.8 fps


High-resolution sensor and image intensifier;
High QE Gen 2 and 3 image intensifier;
True optical gating <2 ns;
500 kHz continuous photocathode gating;
TE is cooled to -40°C;
Minimize the photocathode EBI;
5 MHz readout platform;
Low jitter, on-board digital delay generator (DDG™);
Ultra-fast readout option Crop & Fast Kinetic mode;

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