Jerome® J505 Mercury Vapor Analyzer (CAT#: AM-LE-1411-Y)


• The advanced technology of Jerome® J505 ensures accurate and repeatable results
• J505 can detect mercury levels as low as 005 µg/m3, meeting and exceeding EPA and ATSDR industrial and residential remediation action standards, as well as OSHA, NIOSH, ACGIH and MSHA action levels
• Portable J505 integrates the advanced functions of an advanced benchtop analyzer into a compact, portable and powerful device

Cat Number: AM-LE-1411-Y

Application: Used by first responders/hazmat teams, environmental agencies like the EPA, industrial hygienists, and in mining

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The Jerome® J505 Mercury Vapor Analyzer is manufactured by AMETEK Brookfield. It is a portable fluorescence spectrometer. Compared with similar spectrometers, its detection cell is simpler, smaller, lighter and more durable. Efficient optical units require less flow to flush the system to ensure operation at lower flow rates.


Detection Range: 0.05 µg/m3 to 500 µg/m3
Resolution: Standard Mode: 0.01 µg/m3 (10 ng/m3)
Quick Mode: 0.1 µg/m3 (100 ng/m3)
Search Mode: 0.1 µg/m3 (100 ng/m3)
Accuracy: ±15% at 0.3 µg/m3
±10% at 1 µg/m3
±10% at 25 µg/m3
±10% at 100 µg/m3
Response Time: Standard Mode: 28 seconds
Quick Mode: 16 seconds
Search Mode: 8 seconds, then updates in 1 second intervals
Flow Rate: 1 L/min
Result Units: ng/m3, µg/m3, mg/m3
Autosample Intervals: 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60 or 120 minutes
Integrated Data Storage: 10,000 test results; retains date, time and up to 100 locations
Display: 3.5″ (9 cm) color LCD
Output: USB A
Dimensions: 12″ L x 6.2″ W x 8.4″ H
Weight: 6.5 lbs.
Certifications: UL 61010, CE
Battery: Rechargeable NiMH
10+ hour life, charges in 3 hours
Power Requirements: 12 VDC for the instrument;
100-240 VAC, 1A, 50-60 Hz for the AC power supply


• The advanced technology of Jerome® J505 ensures accurate and repeatable results
• J505 can detect mercury levels as low as 005 µg/m3, meeting and exceeding EPA and ATSDR industrial and residential remediation action standards, as well as OSHA, NIOSH, ACGIH and MSHA action levels
• Portable J505 integrates the advanced functions of an advanced benchtop analyzer into a compact, portable and powerful device
• In the search mode, users can continuously inhale air samples to determine the source of mercury pollution, and then take targeted corrective measures quickly
• Because J505 uses atomic fluorescence spectroscopy to detect mercury, there is no need for regeneration or regeneration-related downtime
• J505 adopts light weight, ergonomic design and durable metal shell
• J505 has a color display and intuitive menu system, and is equipped with a USB interface for easy data transmission