The manufacturer of Perkin Elmer Wallac Wizard 1470-020 Gamma Counter is Perkin Elmer. Model is Wallac Wizard 1470-020. The Wallac Wizard 1470 is a fully functional gamma counter with a unique sample changing robot. This Wallac gamma counter is available with one, two, five or 10 detectors and has a 550 tube capacity. All RIA tubes and vials are accepted in the Wizard 1470 variant for increased efficiency. Leading other automatic gamma counters, equipped with high-resolution MCA technology, superior counting geometry and comprehensive built-in RiaCalc WIZ data reduction capabilities. Using this model also reduces potential contamination risks as no counterweight is required. It has an enhanced sample change system that cuts out crosstalk from samples on a conveyor belt. Well detectors play a crucial role in obtaining good counting performance.
Condition: used 10 detectors 1000 samples 2 sample change sizes Standard Energy range up to 1000KeV Built-in 99 isotope library
1. Unique sample changing robot. 2. MCA technology has high resolution. 3. Computational geometry is superior. 4. Fully built-in RiaCalc WIZ data reduction. 5. All radioimmunoassay (RIA) tubes and vials are compatible.
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