KDS Legato 130, Single Syringe Nanoliter Infusion/Withdraw Pump, Two Channels, 100 - 240 V AC, EuroPlug (Flat 2-Pin), KD Scientific (CAT#: STEM-LAHT-0056-LC)


Holds one syringe from 0.5 μL to 1000 μL
High resolution color touch screen
Easy to use

Cat Number: STEM-LAHT-0056-LC

Application: For injections

Model: Z740528

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The KDS Legato 130, Single Syringe Nanoliter Infusion/Withdraw Pump manufactured by KD Scientific holds one syringe from 0.5 μL to 1000 μL for low flow injection. The total infusion volume is controlled via user defined flow rates and selectable target volume or time values.


Accuracy: ± 0.5%
Temp. limit (storage): -10-70°C
Temp. limit (operating): 4-40°C
Size: 22.6 cm × 17.78 cm × 9.32 cm
Volume: 0.0005-1 mL
Weight: 1.96 kg (4.32 lb)


Holds one syringe from 0.5 μL to 1000 μL
High resolution color touch screen
Easy to use
Touch pad "lock" feature
LED light on front panel
Full metal chassis
Built in syringe table
Up to 11 lbs linear force
Advanced microstepping techniques
RS485 interface
USB port
I/O & TTL interface
Continuous mode of operation
Spill dam

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