Laser Particle Counter NLPC-201, Particle Channel 2.5, 10 μm, LABNICS EQUIPMENT LTD. (CAT#: STEM-AIAE-0068-LC)


Air temperature and humidity
Auto-power Off
Real time clock display

Cat Number: STEM-AIAE-0068-LC

Application: Employed in technical filter measurements, leak tests of HEPA filters, monitoring of dust retention capacity of vacuum cleaners, room air and environmental measurements and monitoring of clean rooms.

Model: NLPC-201

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Laser Particle Counter NLPC-201 manufactured by LABNICS EQUIPMENT LTD. is used to measure the concentration of both solid and liquid particles particle in clean rooms and workplaces using laser technology. Designed with TFT LCD display, it provides fast and precise readings of particle mass concentration along with air temperature, dew point and relative humidity. These devices are extremely suitable for leak tests of HEPA filters, monitoring of filters in room ventilation systems, assessment of airborne dust concentration indoors, etc.


Particle Channel: 2.5,10 μm
Mass Concentration: PM2.5: 0~500 ug/m3; PM10: 0~500 ug/m3
Resolution: 1 ug/m3
Temperature Range: 0 °C - 50 ℃
Temperature Accuracy: ± 1 ℃
Humidity Range: 0 to 100% RH
Humidity Accuracy: ± 3.5 % RH (20% RH ~ 80% RH)
Display: 2.0" TFT 220 × 176 pixels Colour LCD
Size (H x W x D): 185 mm x 55 mm x 38 mm
Weight: 139 g


Air temperature and humidity
Auto-power Off
Real time clock display
Bluetooth interface
Analog bar indicator