The manufacturer of the LC-2040C 3D System, Shimadzu is Shimadzu. Refurbished Shimadzu LC-2040C 3D (p/n 228-45266-58) complete with PDA and Labsolutions PC workstation.
Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned Dimensions: W 410 × H 605 × D 500 mm Weight: 63 kg Available pH range: 1 to 13 Materials for parts in contact with liquids: Stainless steel (SUS316L, SUS316), FEP, PEEK, PTFE, perfluoroelastomer, ruby, sapphire, Hastelloy C, UHMWPE, ceramic, PFA, quartz, PPS Workstation: LabSolutions LC/GC Ver.5.71 or later, LabSolutions DB/CS Ver.6.31 or later (Incompatible with LCsolution) Optional: Refurbished Shimadzu RF-20AXS fluorescence detector (p/n 228-45148-41)
Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification In excellent condition Thoroughly cleaned Money back guarantee Certified with warranty