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LV-Series Macro-Vickers Hardness Testing Systems, LECO (CAT#: STEM-LE-0197-LC)


Two precision photo-etched measuring lines
Changeable field and aperture diaphragm
Dual leafspring indenter supports for centered indentations, greater accuracy, and excellent repeatability

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0197-LC

Application: Hardness test

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LV-Series Macro-Vickers Hardness Testing Systems are affordable testing system providing various models, including analog, digital, manual, semi-automatic, and automatic video/image analysis systems.


Test Force Measurement: 0.3 kgf to 50 kgf
Method: Macro/Vickers Indentations


Two precision photo-etched measuring lines
Changeable field and aperture diaphragm
Dual leafspring indenter supports for centered indentations, greater accuracy, and excellent repeatability
Up to three objectives on one turret
Load ranges start at 0.3 kgf and go up to 50 kgf
A variety of objectives from 2.5X to 100X
8 steps of wide load range
Light-load Brinell testing available on the LV700

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