MicCell Fluid Processor (CAT#: STEM-ME-0234-WXH)

Cat Number: STEM-ME-0234-WXH

Application: Used for automated fluid handling.

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An ultra-flexible system for controlling any microfluidic setup is GeSiM’s modular FluidProcessor with its embedded CPU and graphical user interface. Select from a library of functional modules for fluidic and pneumatic control and/or include devices from other companies.


The FluidProcessor features device slots of standardized width. Modules (valves, syringe pumps, pressure/temperature control etc.) occupy 1 to 3 slots and slide in from the front or the rear. (Slots 1 and 10 are narrower and slots 11 and 17 reserved for Ethernet connection, power and fans.) It can be easily reconfigured.

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