Microinjection for gene transfer (CAT#: STEM-MB-0082-WXH)


Microinjection is a method for mechanically injecting cells, genetic material, peptides, drugs, or other exogenous agents directly into cells or tissues using a very small pipette. Conversely, material may also be removed from the sample (e.g., enucleation of cells). Microinjection has numerous research and clinical applications, including transfection of cells via DNA injection, fertilization by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), introduction of genetically engineered embryonic stem cells into a blastocyst, and more.


• Widely used in the studies of transduction-challenged cells, transgenic animal production.
• Used to deliver antibody targeted to a specific protein domain in order to analyze the requirement of the protein for specific cell functions such as cell cycle progression, transcription of specific genes, or intracellular transport.


1. Optimizing microinjection parameters
2. Preliminary examination before microinjection experiments
3. Microinjection


Microscope and illumination, Micromanupulators, Microinjectors, Injection chambers, etc.

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