The manufacturer of the Micromass LCT API-LC/Orthogonal TOF Mass Spectrometer, Micromass is Micromass. Refurbished Micromass LCT API-LC/Orthogonal TOF Mass Spectrometer with Lock spray source, new HP dual core DC5700 PC (1.8GHZ Pentium IV, 1GB RAM, 80GB hard drive), new 19" Acer LCD monitor, MassLynx 4.0 with Service Pack 4, Windows XP Professional and 1 each Edwards external roughing pump with hose. The LCT is a benchtop orthogonal time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer that offers exact mass measurement capabilities under MassLynx Software control. The LCT's high resolution and mass accuracy allow for the determination of elemental composition and increased specificity for complex samples. The Micromass/Waters LCT mass spec is capable of operating in either positive ion or negative ion mode. It is generally used for organic molecules that have a mass range of 100-1500 daltons. However, it can also be used to analyze larger molecules such as peptides or proteins. It has transform software for deconvoluting multiply charged ion peaks of large molecules, such as proteins. It can also do exact mass measurements on small molecules, generally to within 5 ppm for masses in the range of 400-1000 daltons.
Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned Mass to 13,000 Da Including: Lock spray source new HP dual core DC5700 PC (1.8GHZ Pentium IV, 1GB RAM, 80GB hard drive) new 19" Acer LCD monitor MassLynx 4.0 with Service Pack 4 Windows XP Professional 1 each Edwards external roughing pump with hoses
Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification In excellent condition Thoroughly cleaned Money back guarantee Certified with warranty
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