Misonix Sonicator XL Ultrasonic Processor, 110V, 10 Amps (CAT#: STEM-GLEPO-0271-YJL)


Microprocessor Controller – allows precise control of output power, elapsed processing time, and cyclical rates of power pulsing. It encompasses the functions of the Digital Integrating Timer and the Multi-Range PULSAR™ Cycle Timer.
Digital Integrating Timer – permits precise timing of ultrasonic energy applied in one second increments from one second to ten hours. The total desired processing time is set on a pressure-sensitive keypad. Both the processing time selected and actual total elapsed processing time is indicated by an LCD readout. A start/stop control initiates or reinitiates timed sonication. A pause control allows manual pulsing or delay. The total preset time of active sonication is unaffected by pauses or pulsing, whether by hand or with the MultiRange PULSAR™ Cycle Timer.
Multi-Range PULSAR™ Cycle Timer – permits the application of ultrasonic energy to the sample on a pulsed basis. Pulse on and off times are adjustable in 0.1 second increments

Cat Number: STEM-GLEPO-0271-YJL

Application: For scientific blending, mixing and processing of various types of material, such as tissue, plant, food, and soil.

Model: XL2020

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Misonix Sonicator XL Ultrasonic Processor, 110V, 10 Amps, model XL2020, is manufactured by MISONIX, Inc.
The Misonix XL2020 Sonicator features a wide range of convenient accessories for customizable solutions in a variety of industries. A broad range of horn sizes allows for different volumes. High intensity horns maintain processing intensity while dual horns double processing capacity. Probes allow for extremely high amplitude processing of small volumes, and cup horns are high intensity water baths that let researchers process samples without probe intrusion to prevent cross contamination. These and other accessories make the XL2020 useful in biological, chemical, environmental, industrial, and pharmaceutical applications.
The XL2020 Sonicator features a tactile keypad, programmable memory, pulsing and timing functions, remote on/off capabilities, overload protection, and an LCD screen showing elapsed time and power output displays.


Condition: Used
Electrical: 110V, 50/60Hz, 10 Amps, 550W, 20kHz


Microprocessor Controller – allows precise control of output power, elapsed processing time, and cyclical rates of power pulsing. It encompasses the functions of the Digital Integrating Timer and the Multi-Range PULSAR™ Cycle Timer.
Digital Integrating Timer – permits precise timing of ultrasonic energy applied in one second increments from one second to ten hours. The total desired processing time is set on a pressure-sensitive keypad. Both the processing time selected and actual total elapsed processing time is indicated by an LCD readout. A start/stop control initiates or reinitiates timed sonication. A pause control allows manual pulsing or delay. The total preset time of active sonication is unaffected by pauses or pulsing, whether by hand or with the MultiRange PULSAR™ Cycle Timer.
Multi-Range PULSAR™ Cycle Timer – permits the application of ultrasonic energy to the sample on a pulsed basis. Pulse on and off times are adjustable in 0.1 second increments
from 0.1 seconds to 1 hour each. This intermittent operation permits high intensity sonication while avoiding heat build-up in the processed sample. It also allows particulate
material being processed to settle back under the tip.
OVERLOAD INDICATOR – under certain extraordinary conditions, the amount of power supplied to the convertor/horn assembly might endanger the circuitry of the generator to the
point of failure. In order to prevent unnecessary downtime, an overload protection feature has been built into the generator. When the output power exceeds design specifications, the overload light will illuminate and the output will be disabled.

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