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Monitoring Reaction Kinetics in Solution by Continuous-Flow Analysis (CAT#: STEM-AC-0002-WXH)


Chemical kinetics, also known as reaction kinetics, is the branch of physical chemistry that is concerned with understanding the rates of chemical reactions.


In continuous flow analysis (CFA), a sample is injected into a flowing carrier solution passing rapidly through small-bore tubing. The sample is mixed with a reagent, which reacts with the sample to develop a color and determine the sample concentration. The use of carefully controlled flow conditions ensures that the color development reaction is reproducible, so that the color measurement need not wait until the reaction has gone to completion.


Study fast reactions consists of mixing two or more reagents, suitable for water, food, grain, oil, beer, wine, tobacco and other fields.


1. Using continuous flow, the sample solution is aspirated from various reagent containers, and the sample and reagent are mixed in the flow path system.
2. Using a peristaltic pump to inhale air, samples and reagents into the determined flow path in a specific order and ratio, and finally reach the detector to complete the analysis process of detection.


Continuous Flow Analysis Analyzers