MP Biomedicals FastPrep 24 Homogenizer, MP Biomedicals (CAT#: STEM-GLE-1916-LGZ)


1. Up to 24 samples can be homogenized simultaneously within 40 seconds.
2. Any tissue and cell can be completely and rapidly lysed.
3. 9 interchangeable adapters.

Cat Number: STEM-GLE-1916-LGZ

Application: Any researcher who requires genomic DNA, total RNA or recombinant protein as a starting material will benefit from the FastPrep System.<br /><br />Northern blot analysis, qPCR and microarrays<br />Optimization of recombinant protein expression<br />Library synthesis and Southern blots<br />RT-PCR and differential display<br />Pathogen screening of soil or water<br />Environmental surveys<br />Verification of food safety

Model: FastPrep 24

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The manufacturer of MP Biomedicals FastPrep 24 Homogenizer is MP Biomedicals. Model is FastPrep 24. Any researcher requiring genomic DNA, total RNA or recombinant protein as starting material will benefit. It enables fast, reproducible homogenization. Suitable for soluble and insoluble or unidentified samples. The frustration and inconsistency of traditional grinding methods are eliminated. Self-sufficient systems eliminate the possibility of contamination. Time for sample preparation steps is saved. It is economical and easy to use.


Condition: used
Lyse any hard sample in 40 seconds or less!
Number and size of samples: 24 tubes (2 mL)
Time: Range 1-60 seconds, programmable with 0.5 m/s increments.
Speed: Range 4-6.5 m/s programmable with 0.5 m/s increment.
Acceleration: <2 seconds to maximum speed.
Deceleration: <2 seconds to stop.
Duty cycle: 6.5 m/s for 60 seconds with 60 seconds rest period between runs.
Noise level: <70db noise.
Construction: Painted aluminum body, with transparent top enclosure. Exchangeable polypropylene sample holder; Sealed Sample Compartment; Self-contained disposable pan for ease of cleaning; All surfaces chemically resistant.
Controls: Microcontroller control panel, with LCD screen and membrane-printed keyboard; Microcontroller clock 16 MHz.
Power requirements: 110 VAC/60 Hz or 220 VAC/50 Hz, 500 W
Weight: 17.5 kg.
Dimensions: Height-270mm; Base(Ellipse)size-425x330 mm.
Standard environmental temperature operating range: 4-40 °C.


1. Up to 24 samples can be homogenized simultaneously within 40 seconds.
2. Any tissue and cell can be completely and rapidly lysed.
3. 9 interchangeable adapters.

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