Non-Coated Non-Stealth CT Headrest Sponge, 12.5" L x 11" W x 10" H, Techno-Aide (CAT#: STEM-MIE-0895-LC)


Latex free
Non-coated, non-cleanable surface

Cat Number: STEM-MIE-0895-LC

Application: Designed for neck & head positioning

Model: YFBW

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Non-Coated Non-Stealth CT Headrest Sponge manufactured by Techno-Aide is a basic (core), open-cell piece of foam without cleanable surface, so it is not resistant to fluid absorption.Non-Stealth Sponges are formed with traditional angles instead of "flared" angles to offer significantly reduced artifacts during viewing. Non-stealth (or non-flared) sides may show artifacts when imaging, specifically when coating is applied.


Sponge Size: 12.5" L x 11" W x 10" H
Packaging: 1 Each


Latex free
Non-coated, non-cleanable surface
Meets the new California 2015 Technical Bulletin #117-2013 standards
Patent Pending