Osmo1™ Single-Sample Micro-Osmometer (CAT#: AM-LE-0028-Y)


• One-step direct sampling, simply draw the sample and load the sampler into Osmo1
• Only 20 µL samples are required
• The touch screen user interface is a color-coded menu-driven operating system with multi-language functions and easy to use

Cat Number: AM-LE-0028-Y

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Osmo1™ Single-Sample Micro-Osmometer is manufactured by Advanced Instruments. We bundle accurate and reliable osmotic pressure measurement with the ease of use of efficient patient sample analysis to easily maintain regulatory compliance while ensuring the safety of patient data sex and integrity.


Specimen type:nBody fluids
Sample volume: 20 ± 1μL
Unit: mOsm/kg H2O
Sample capacity: single sample
Test time: 90 Seconds
Range: 0 to 2000 mOsm/kg H2O
Resolution: 1 mOsm/kg H2O
Sample throughput: can process 20 samples in less than 1 hour
Dimensions (D x W x H): 38 cm x 36 cm x 38 cm
Net weight: 6.0 kg


• One-step direct sampling, simply draw the sample and load the sampler into Osmo1
• Only 20 µL samples are required
• The touch screen user interface is a color-coded menu-driven operating system with multi-language functions and easy to use
• The system can also store the latest 1,000 test records and 10,000 events for audit control
• Osmo1 provides the flexibility of 2-point or 3-point calibration to meet CLIA calibration verification requirements
• Built-in quality control function, can calculate sample statistics in real time, and can issue a warning when the quality control is out of range
• Osmo1 uses a simple paper-throw design, you can easily print and archive test results
• The built-in proximity sensor enables traceable sample identification and reduces transcription errors
• Easy connection to LIS and data management system via Ethernet connection Multiple USB ports provide the ability to easily export data
• Provide password-protected user accounts to improve traceability
• Accurate determination of osmotic pressure using the accepted freezing point reduction method

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