OsmoTECH™ Single-Sample Micro-Osmometer (CAT#: AM-LE-0030-Y)


• Safety features enable the laboratory to meet the requirements of 21 CFR Part 11
• Embedded web server, which can easily, safely and remotely view, print and download the results through a web browser
• OsmoTECH uses the industry accepted freezing point depression method to accurately determine osmotic pressure

Cat Number: AM-LE-0030-Y

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OsmoTECH™ Single-Sample Micro-Osmometer is manufactured by Advanced Instruments, which combines easy-to-use features. Its gold standard test method uses the freezing point depression method to provide the accuracy and precision you need.


Sample type: Aqueous-based solution
Sample volume: 20 ± 1 μL
Test time: 90 seconds
Sample capacity: Single sample
Units: mOsm/kg H2O
Resolution: 1 mOsm/kg H2O
Range: 0-2000 mOsm/kg H2O
Calibration: 0*, 50, 850, and 2000* mOsm/kg H2O (* optional)
Communication: USB 2.0 Type A Port (2), USB 2.0 Type A Port (1), Ethernet 10/100, RJ45 connector port (1) dot matrix printer (optional)
Storage temperature: -20°C to +45°C
Electrical voltage: 100 to 240 VAC (50/60 Hz)
Power consumption: 60 Watts
Dimensions (D x W x H): 38 cm x 35 cm x 29 cm
Net weight: 6.0 kg


• Safety features enable the laboratory to meet the requirements of 21 CFR Part 11
• Embedded web server, which can easily, safely and remotely view, print and download the results through a web browser
• OsmoTECH uses the industry accepted freezing point depression method to accurately determine osmotic pressure
• The time on OsmoTECH is synchronized with your network clock to ensure accurate time stamps and consistency of records
• The integrated barcode scanner simplifies sample identification and reduces transcription errors
• Intuitive, color-coded menu-based operating system, easy to use, with multi-language capabilities
• OsmoTECH connects via Ethernet to provide secure data transmission to LIS and data management system

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