Panda Single Tray Unit, ETI Dental Industries (CAT#: STEM-ME-0832-LX)


3 module + syringe as a standard option up to 5 modules
Porcelain top takes Ritter size trays.
Pneumatic self balancing arm with smooth up down operation

Cat Number: STEM-ME-0832-LX

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3 module + syringe as a standard option up to 5 modules
Porcelain top takes Ritter size trays.
Pneumatic self balancing arm with smooth up down operation
Touch control of the cup filling, bawl washing, lamp onoff and control of all the chair functions including programming
Junction box with filter and regulator.
Foot control with chip blower and water on off command.
Periapical X-ray viewer mounted on bracket table within easy reach.
Big X-ray viewer mounted on bracket table within easy reach.