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Persee AA990G Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Persee (CAT#: STEM-S-1415-LGZ)


1. Automated software is easy to use.
2. Protect the comprehensive security measures for users.
3. Integrated correction system, high accuracy.

Cat Number: STEM-S-1415-LGZ

Application: Agricultural, Environmental, Petrochemical, Clinical.

Model: AA990G

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The manufacturer of Persee AA990G Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer is Persee. Model is AA990G. AA900 atomic absorption spectrometer is a general entry -level instrument, a computer -controlled air/acetylene flame, which is used for general laboratory requirements. It has high sensitivity and excellent performance. There are three configurations of this multi -functional instrument: AA990F -FLAME atomizer; AA990G Graphite furnace special atomizer; AA990FG -combined with the aromatic atomization switch of flames and graphite furnaces.


Condition: used
Wavelength range: 190-900 nm
Light source: Hollow cathode lamp (HCL), Deuterium Arc lamp (D2)
Modulation: Square wave pulse
Modulation frequency:
100 Hz self reversal (SR) background,
400 Hz Deuterium Arc (D2) background
Grating: 1800 grooves/mm diffraction grating
Blazed wavelength: 250 nm
Focus: 300 nm
Bandwidth: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 nm
Scan mode: Automatic
Photometric type: Single beam
Wavelength accuracy: ±0.15 nm
Wavelength resolution: 0.2 nm±0.02 nm
Wavelength reproducibility: <0.05 nm
Spectral bandwidth: 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 nm
Baseline stability: 0.005 A/30 min
Background correction:
Deuterium Arc (D2) 1.0 Abs,
Self Reversal (SR) 3.0 Abs
Flame Analysis
Flame type: Air/acetylene
Sensitivity (Cu): 2 μg/ml Absorption>0.280 Abs
Characteristic Concentration: Cu<0.02 μg/mL
Detection limit: Cu<0.004 μg/mL
Repeatability: Cu<0.7 %
Burner head: Titanium Alloy
High–efficiency glass,
acid proof available as an option
Pre-mix chamber: Corrosion resistant
Atomizer selection:
Manual (AA990F)
Automatic changeover (AA990FG)
Safety features: Burner switch, flame sensor, gas leak sensor, low gas pressure sensor, drain trap sensor, power loss protection
Graphite Furnace Analysis
Graphite head: Transversally heated
Temperature range: Ambient-2650 ℃
Heating program: Up to 10 steps. Drying, Ashing, Atomization, Cleaning
Feedback: Voltage and optical temperature control feedback
Sensitivity (Cu): 50 ng/m Absorption>0.40 Abs


1. Automated software is easy to use.
2. Protect the comprehensive security measures for users.
3. Integrated correction system, high accuracy.

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