Strigolactones, containing a tricyclic lactone linked to a hydroxymethyl butanolide, are a kind of endogenous plant hormone, which is synthesized in the roots of plants. They regulate five different physiological processes: First, they stimulate the germination of parasitic organisms growing in the roots of the host plant, such as Striga lutea and other plants of the genus Striga. Second, strigolactones boost elongation of primary roots and root hairs, but repress the formation of lateral roots. Third, strigolactones induce hyphal branching in germinating spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), to initiate symbiotic interactions between plants and AMF. AMF can who establish a mutualistic association with plants, and provide phosphate and other soil nutrients. Fourth, strigolactones prevent excess bud outgrowth in stem terminals, inhibiting plant lateral branch formation. Fifth, strigolactones accelerate the process of leaf senescence.
Fig. 1 Roles of strigolactones in plant architecture. (Faizan M., et al., 2020)
STEMart is able to efficiently and accurately detect the content and changes of strigolactones in plant samples based on LC-MS platform.
Plant roots, stems
For more information about our plant strigolactones detection service, please contact us.