PQQT-325 Manual Soil Harvester, 3.25 Inch Auger Bit , SHANGHAI PEIOU ANALYSIS INSTRUMENT CO.,LTD (CAT#: STEM-AIAE-3399-LGZ)

Cat Number: STEM-AIAE-3399-LGZ

Application: It is used to lift the undisturbed soil of the sublayer test soil as a sample.

Model: PQQT-325

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The manual earth extractor is used to lift the undisturbed soil of the lower layer as a sample to understand its properties. It is even necessary to take the original soil from a deeper depth, and this kind of soil borrowing equipment is called a soil borrower.
Manual soil extractor 3.25 inch auger bit soil extraction set includes: (Imported alloy material, sturdy and durable)
a conventional auger bit;
a soil auger;
a sludge sampler;
a T-handle;
a soil core sampler;
a sliding hammer;
three 4-foot extension poles;
Plastic sampling inner tube;
Plastic inner tube cap;
wrench and cleaning brush;
Can drill to a target depth of 12 feet for relatively trouble-free soil cores. All of these tools are housed in a rugged, high-end toolbox. Has handles and wheels for easy portability and transport.
In engineering geological exploration and survey work, in order to obtain the physical and mechanical performance indicators of foundation soil, in addition to in-situ testing, the main method is to conduct indoor geotechnical experiments after drilling and sampling. To obtain undisturbed soil samples close to the natural structure, the key is to improve sampling techniques and use advanced soil sampling.
Whether the structure and specification of the soil sampler used for taking the soil sample is appropriate or not determines the degree of preservation of the soil sample and the sampling rate. According to the previous construction experience, the selection of the earth extractor must consider the following requirements: the earth extractor should enter the soil layer smoothly, and the frictional resistance should be minimized; the earth extractor should have reliable sealing performance; the structure is simple and easy to process and operate. In addition to the above requirements, consideration should be given to:
(1) The suction force on the top of the soil sample includes the water column pressure in the borehole, the atmospheric pressure and the pressure generated by the resistance when the soil sample rubs against the inner wall of the soil sampling tube;
(2) The suction on the lower end of the soil sample, including vacuum suction, the cohesion of the soil sample itself, and the self-weight of the soil sample;
(3) The method and depth of the earth borrower entering the soil layer.

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