UniSil Bare Silica Bare Silica Bulk Media, UniSil 2.7-120 (CAT#: STEM-C-3128-ZJF)


Lower back pressure
High efficiency
Better bed stability

Cat Number: STEM-C-3128-ZJF

Application: For the separation, purification, and analysis of complex compounds, including pharmaceuticals, biomolecules, and other high-value substances in research and industrial applications.

Model: UniSil 2.7-120

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Monodispersed bare silica particles are high-purity chromatographic media designed for analytical and preparative purification of active pharmaceutical ingredients and other high-value substances. These particles feature uniform particle size, a perfectly spherical shape, and excellent mechanical strength, ensuring easy column packing, high efficiency, and low back pressure for optimal chromatographic performance.
A standard series of bare silica is available for both analytical and preparative applications, offering conventional pore sizes of 100Å, 120Å, 200Å, and 300Å, with particle sizes ranging from sub-2 µm to 50 µm. Bulk quantities are provided, ranging from 50 grams to 100 kilograms, to meet diverse research and production needs.
High-pore-volume silica particles (>1.1 ml/g) are also available for BioSEC applications, offering enhanced performance for biomolecular separations.
In addition to monodispersed particles for chromatography, silica particles sized 50 µm or larger are offered for various applications, including solid-phase extraction (SPE) and oligonucleotide synthesis. For instance, 50 µm silica particles with pore sizes of 500Å, 1000Å, and 1500Å have been effectively utilized as supports for oligonucleotide synthesis, providing versatile solutions for scientific and industrial processes.


Matrix: Silica gel
Particle Size (μm): 1.7/2.0/2.7/3/5/5L/8/10
Pore Size (Å): 100/120/200/300
Particle Size CV: <5%
Surface Area (m²/g): ~450/~350/~200/~100
Pore Volume (cm³/g): ~0.95/~0.95/~0.95/~0.95
Bulk Density (g/mL): ~0.50/~0.50/~0.45/~0.40
Carbon Content (%): 0/0/0/0
Max. Pressure (bar): <600
Working pH: 2-8
Operational Temperature (℃): 10-60


Lower back pressure
High efficiency
Better bed stability

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