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PrepStar SD-1 Analytical to Prep Solvent Delivery Module (CAT#: AM-LE-0842-Y)

Cat Number: AM-LE-0842-Y

Application: SD-1 provides better gradient accuracy and repeatability than any other pump in a larger flow rate range, making it an ideal choice for analyzing and purifying peptides and small active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Model: R007105050

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The PrepStar SD-1 Analytical to Prep Solvent Delivery Module is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. The pressure sensor in each pump head provides instant flow and pressure feedback to the motor to maximize flow reproducibility. It is the first high performance desktop solvent delivery system truly used for preparative HPLC.


Type: Twin Piston
Max. Pressure: up to 6,000 psi
Flow Rate: 0.01 to 800 mL/min (depending on pump head)
Gradient Type: High Pressure Mixing

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