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Agilent 1200 Series - G1312B HPLC Binary Pump, Agilent Technologies (CAT#: STEM-C-0065-LGZ)


1. The dual pump is based on a dual channel, dual piston series design, including all the basic functions that a solvent delivery system must perform.
2. Two pump assemblies perform solvent metering and high pressure side delivery, generating pressures up to 400 bar. Each channel includes a pump assembly including a pump driver, a pump head, an active inlet valve, and an outlet valve.
3. The two channels are connected in a small volume mixing chamber, which is connected to the damping unit and the mixer by a capillary coil.

Cat Number: STEM-C-0065-LGZ

Application: For HPLC system.

Model: 1200 Series - G1312B

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The manufacturer of Agilent 1200 Series - G1312B HPLC Binary Pump is Agilent Technologies. Model is 1200 Series - G1312B. The dual pump is based on a dual-channel, dual-piston tandem design, where the two pump assemblies perform solvent metering and high-pressure side delivery, generating pressures up to 400 bar. The intake valve is electrically driven to eliminate vapors generated by volatile solvents.


Condition: used
Hydraulic system: Two dual piston in series pumps with proprietary servo-controlled variable stroke drive, floating piston design and active inlet valve
Setable flow range: Setpoints 0.001 - 5 ml/min, in 0.001 ml/min increments
Flow range 1 - 5.0 ml/min
Flow precision: < 0.3 % RSD (typically 0.15 %), based on retention time, at 1 ml/min
Pressure: Operating range 0 400 bar (0 - 5880 psi) up to 5 ml/min
Pressure pulsation: < 2 %amplitude (typically < 1 %), at 1 ml/min isopropanol, at all pressures > 1 MPa
Compressibility compensation: User-selectable, based on mobile phase compressibility
Recommended pH range: 0 - 12.5, solvents with pH < 2.3 should not contain acids which attack stainless steel
Gradient formation: High-pressure binary mixing, delay volume 180 - 480 μl without mixer, 600 - 900 μl with mixer, dependent on back pressure
Composition range 1- 99 % or 5 μl/min per channel, whatever is greater
Composition precision < 0.2 % SD, at 0.1 and 1 ml/min
Control and data evaluation Agilent ChemStation for LC Control and data evaluation


1. The dual pump is based on a dual channel, dual piston series design, including all the basic functions that a solvent delivery system must perform.
2. Two pump assemblies perform solvent metering and high pressure side delivery, generating pressures up to 400 bar. Each channel includes a pump assembly including a pump driver, a pump head, an active inlet valve, and an outlet valve.
3. The two channels are connected in a small volume mixing chamber, which is connected to the damping unit and the mixer by a capillary coil.
4. The 1200 G1312B SL features variable stroke volume, allowing pulseless solvent delivery and efficient mixing.
5. The electronically driven intake valve synchronizes with piston stroke to eliminate steam generated by volatile solvents and requires no maintenance.

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