Pro Series 2003 Polarographic Dissolved Oxygen Sensor, YSI (CAT#: STEM-AIAE-0123-ZJF)


Easy user-replaceable sensor with no use of tools
Fast response with reliable readings
Convenient screw-on cap membranes

Cat Number: STEM-AIAE-0123-ZJF

Application: Polarographic dissolved oxygen sensor for the YSI Pro Series handheld instruments.

Model: 605203

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The Pro Series 2003 Polarographic Dissolved Oxygen Sensor manufactured by YSI is a polarographic dissolved oxygen sensor for the YSI Pro Series handheld instruments.
The sensor can be easily replaced by the user without the use of any tools.
For fast response with reliable readings, the 2003 Polarographic Dissolved Oxygen sensor comes with 5908 Cap Membrane Kit (1.25 Mil PE membranes). Easy and convenient membrane changes are made possible by convenient screw-on cap membranes.
Sensors are covered by a one-year warranty.
Compatible Cables include 60520 (DO), 6052030 (DO/conductivity), 6051020 (DO/ISE), 605790 Quatro (DO/conductivity/ISE/ISE).
Compatible Membranes include 5906 (1.0 Mil Black Membranes), 5908 (1.25 Mil Yellow Membranes - included), 5909 (2.0 Mil Blue Membranes).
It is an accessory for the following products:
Pro20 Dissolved Oxygen Meter
Pro20i Dissolved Oxygen Meter
Pro1020 Dissolved Oxygen and pH Meter
Pro2030 Dissolved Oxygen and Conductivity Meter
ProQuatro Multiparameter Meter


SKU: 605203
Equipment used with: Pro20, Pro20i, Pro1020, Pro2030, ProQuatro
Warranty: 1 year


Easy user-replaceable sensor with no use of tools
Fast response with reliable readings
Convenient screw-on cap membranes
Warranty of 1 year

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