PTC 200 Peltier Thermal Cycler, MJ Research (CAT#: STEM-PEPO-0052-ZJF)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned

Cat Number: STEM-PEPO-0052-ZJF

Application: To amplify segments of DNA via the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Model: PTC 200

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The manufacturer of the PTC 200 Peltier Thermal Cycler, MJ Research is MJ Research.
Refurbished MJ Research PTC-200 peltier thermal cycler (96-well and 384-well available).


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
Thermal range: -5 to +105°C
Ramping speed: up to 3°C/sec
Memory: 200 typical programs in up to 12 individual folders
RS232, IEEE-488, and parallel printer ports


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Money back guarantee
Certified with warranty

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