Quantitative determination of metals in radish by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XFS) (CAT#: STEM-ST-0231-WXH)


The radish (Raphanus satirus L.) is a plant of Asiatic origin and it is a good source of vitamin C and elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and sulfur. It is cultivated practically worldwide and, in spite of being a culture of small importance in terms of planted area, it is important in large numbers of small properties in green belts. An interesting characteristic of radish culture is that it can be used as a cash culture among others, with a longer cycle and with predefined times of planting. It is interesting because, in addition to being relatively rustic, it has a very short cycle of cultivation time between 20 and 30 days. This characteristic is very important for environmental analysis because it suggests that the radish, compared with other cultures, could be used as a bioindicator of environmental pollution of agricultural soils.


XRF describes the process where some high-energy radiation excites atoms by shooting out electrons from the innermost orbitals. When the atom relaxes, that is, when outer electrons fill inner shells, X-Ray fluorescence radiation is emitted.


XRF is widely used as a fast characterization tool in many analytical labs across the world, for applications as diverse as metallurgy, forensics, polymers, electronics, archaeology, environmental analysis, geology and mining.


1. Primary X-rays knock out an electron from one of the orbitals surrounding the nucleus within an atom of the material.
2. A hole is produced in the orbital, resulting in a high energy, unstable configuration for the atom.
3. To restore equilibrium, an electron from a higher energy, outer orbital falls into the hole. Since this is a lower energy position, the excess energy is emitted in the form of fluorescent X-rays.
The energy difference between the expelled and replacement electrons is characteristic of the element atom in which the fluorescence process is occurring – thus, the energy of the emitted fluorescent X-ray is directly linked to a specific element being analyzed.


XRF spectrometer (including X-ray source, sample chamber, analysing crystal, detector and signal processing computer)