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Raman Spectrometer NRS-200, Wavelength Range 200~800 nm, LABNICS EQUIPMENT Limited Company (CAT#: STEM-SE-3013-LGZ)


1. Slit option, stray light suppression.
2. Monochromatic light system, the resolution is high.
3. Single photon counter, the sensitivity is high and the noise is low.

Cat Number: STEM-SE-3013-LGZ

Application: Typically employed in life sciences such as for research and academics as well in geological and archaeological studies and pharmaceutical industries.

Model: NRS-200

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The NRS-200 Raman Spectrometer is a high-throughput analytical instrument that helps quickly and reliably identify a variety of liquid, solid or powder samples based on their unique chemical fingerprint. It uses a non-destructive analysis technique that illuminates the sample with monochromatic light and uses a spectrometer to measure the light scattered by the sample. It is a versatile tool used by many academic and research institutions.


Wavelength range: 200~800 nm
Wavelength accuracy: ≤ 0.4 nm
Wavelength repeatability: ≤ 0.2 nm
Stray light: ≤ 10-3
Reciprocal of linear dispersion: 2.7 nm/mm
Half-width of spectral line: ≤ 0.2 nm at 586 nm
Monochromator relative aperture ratio: D/F=1/5.5
Monochromator optical grating: 1200 lines/mm, blazed wavelength at 500 nm
Monochromator slit width: ~2 mm, continuously adjustable
Monochromator indication accuracy: 0.01 mm
Single-photon counter integration time: 0~30 min
Single-photon counter max count: 107
Single-photon counter threshold voltage: 0~2.6V, 1~256 Block (10 mV/Block)
Overall dimension: 700×500×450 mm
Weight: 70 kg


1. Slit option, stray light suppression.
2. Monochromatic light system, the resolution is high.
3. Single photon counter, the sensitivity is high and the noise is low.
4. With high precision, the external optical path is stable.

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