NRS-7200 Raman Spectrometers, 5 to 8000 cm-1, JASCO (CAT#: STEM-LE-0073-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0073-LC

Application: Recording and measuring spectra

Model: NRS-7200

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Innovative instrument design eliminates daily adjustment and alignment. The specially designed honeycomb optical base plate is the basis of the entire instrument, which can ensure alignment and stability. Lasers, enclosed microscopes, software-switched optics, and unique aberration-corrected polychromator with CCD detector are available in compact integrated packages that can be installed on laboratory benches.


Resolution: 0.7 cm-1
Detector(s): 4-Stage Peltier Cooled CCD Detector (UV-NIR range, 1024 × 255 pixel)
Spectral Range: 5 to 8000 cm-1
Laser Sources: VIS-NIR laser or UV laser

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