Recirculating pump, Kima, for Cell Culture in Flow Chambers, Cellix (CAT#: STEM-ME-0247-WXH)

Cat Number: STEM-ME-0247-WXH

Application: Cell culture of endothelial cell monolayers for shear flow experiments.​<br />Cell-cell adhesion shear flow assays on endothelial cell monolayers with Cellix's Mirus Evo Nanopump or ExiGo pump for studies such as:<br />Cardiovascular / Atherosclerosis​: primary monocyte adhesion to coronary artery endothelial cells.<br />Inflammation​: THP-1 monocyte adhesion to HUVECs under flow.<br />Asthma / COPD: eosinophil adhesion studies to human lung microvascular endothelial cells (HMVEC-L).<br />Oncology - Breast Cancer: MDA cells adhering to TNF-alpha stimulated HUVECs under shear flow.

Model: Kima

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Kima pump is a microfluidic pump designed to aid cell culture (e.g. endothelial cells) under physiological conditions (shear flow) in various biochips and flow chambers, including Cellix’s Vena8 Endothelial+ biochips where it is possible to culture 8 cell monolayers simultaneously over 24–48 hours. The Kima pump is controlled by the iKima application for use with the iPod touch and iPhone. The Kima pump is placed inside a standard incubator while the iPod touch or iPhone, as it’s controller, sits outside the incubator. The Kima pump connects easily to Cellix’s Vena8 Endothelial+ biochip and other manufacturer’s flow chambers via fully autoclavable tubing and delivers pulses of fresh media to cells seeded inside the microchannels of the biochip. The iKima app is available for download from Apple’s iTunes store.


• General specifications
2 modes of pumping: wash and perfusion
4 sockets which can control 4 Kima pumps independently
Universal dock station (power + communication) to use with iKima application (available for download on iTunes)
Wi-Fi communication
USB communication
Tactile power switch
LEDs for power / status information
• Power requirements
Input: 100–240V AC / 47 – 63 Hz
Output: 12V DC – 3.33A max
• Dimensions: 128 mm (W) x 81 mm (D) x 104 mm (H)
• Weight: <550 g (including power supply)
• Conditions of use
Temperature: 10°C–40°C
Humidity: <90% RH
Altitude: <2000 m

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