Refinery Gas Analyzers (CAT#: AM-LE-0365-Y)


• A comprehensive range of refinery gas and other petroleum gas analyzers, including H2, O2, N2, CO, H2S, CO2, and C1-C6 and longer carbon chain hydrocarbons, to meet various application and method requirements
• Time-saving reporting software includes calculation of mole percent, weight percent or volume percent, and calorific value
• The RGA option can be configured on the 990 Micro Gas Chromatograph or the 8890 Gas Chromatograph

Cat Number: AM-LE-0365-Y

Application: Energy and chemical gas chromatography analyzer.

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Refinery Gas Analyzers are manufactured by Agilent Technologies. Refinery Gas Analyzers are an integral part of any refinery laboratory. It provides valuable information that enables the refinery to monitor and optimize catalysis and other processes.


• A comprehensive range of refinery gas and other petroleum gas analyzers, including H2, O2, N2, CO, H2S, CO2, and C1-C6 and longer carbon chain hydrocarbons, to meet various application and method requirements
• Time-saving reporting software includes calculation of mole percent, weight percent or volume percent, and calorific value
• The RGA option can be configured on the 990 Micro Gas Chromatograph or the 8890 Gas Chromatograph
• Agilent J&W gas-phase packed columns use efficient and strict packing technology to ensure reproducibility between columns and ultra-high column efficiency

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