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Shuttle Boxes, Rats, Bioseb (CAT#: STEM-LEAR-1164-YJL)


Highly sensitive weight transducer system for accurate animal detection
Easy to set up different wall shapes and colours
Optional guillotine door

Cat Number: STEM-LEAR-1164-YJL

Application: Used to carry out conditioned reflexes (Active and Passive Avoidance) in learning and memory studies

Model: LE916

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Shuttle Boxes, Rats, model LE916 is manufactured by Bioseb
BIOSEB Shuttle Boxes LE916 (Rats) and LE918 (Mice) provide the ideal environment to carry out conditioned reflexes (Active and Passive Avoidance) in learning and memory studies.
The Animal is detected by two Weight Transducers located above the static grids, avoiding the problems inherent to photoelectrical or grid tilting systems (high speeds of displacements in mice, tail detection in rats).


Parameters Measured:
• Latency to entrance into the black compartment (passive avoidance)
• Number and latency of conditioned responses (active avoidance)
• Number and latency of unconditioned responses (active avoidance)
• Number and latency of null responses (active avoidance)
• Number and latency of none responses (active avoidance)
• Number of compartment changes during the intertrial intervals (active avoidance)
• Latency mean and accumulated responses sorted by interval of time


Highly sensitive weight transducer system for accurate animal detection
Easy to set up different wall shapes and colours
Optional guillotine door
Compartments with independent grid floor
Frontal and top doors for an easy access inside the box
Up to 8 Active Boxes can be controlled at once from a PC
Neither PC interface nor PC cards are required
Safety System which guarantees that the shock intensity received by the animal is always the same value independently of the grid bars treaded

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