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SIL-30AC UHPLC Autosampler, Shimadzu (CAT#: STEM-LE-1235-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1235-LC

Application: Sample injection

Model: SIL-30AC

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The SIL-30AC UHPLC Autosampler has a 130 MPa pressure tolerance, and is the world's fastest sample injection (10 seconds), which can greatly reduce the total cycle time. It includes automatic pre-processing and overlap functions, and optional loop injection method configuration to minimize the amount of delay. With reduction of the contact area of the needle, special coating, surface treatment and new needle seal, SIL-30AC has reached a new level of low residual performance, which is especially beneficial for LC/MS/MS analysis. In addition, the included sample cooler has a dehumidification function and can store samples at a constant temperature of 4°C to 40°C.

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