Spine Cervical C1-T1 Occiput, 360mm Length, LD9390, SYNBONE AG (CAT#: STEM-ME-0660-LX)

Cat Number: STEM-ME-0660-LX

Application: Application: cervical, octiput, vertebrae, thoracic

Model: LD9390

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Spine lg cervical C1-T1 Occiput
Large cervical Spine with Occipital Bone, vertebrae C1 to T1 and wood holder for fixation
Overall length: 360mm
Occiput: Solid foam, C1 to T1: Solid foam low density, Disk: soft foam, flexible
Delivered with additional cancellous bone block


Dimensions: Overall length: 360mm
Material: Occiput: Solid foam, C1 to T1: Solid foam low density, Disk: soft foam, flexible
Remarks: Delivered with additional cancellous bone block
Fracture: Intact model
Size: large
Orientation: neutral
Model Type: intact
Structure: bone
Surgery: Spine Surgery