Microsatellite DNA, tandem repeats (VNTR, STR) or simple repeats (SSR), is a major component of genomic repeats in eukaryotic or prokaryotic organisms and mainly consists of tandem repeat units. There is a high degree of variation in the number of repeat units in microsatellites, which is manifested as euploidy variation in the number of microsatellites or repeat unit sequence variation, resulting in polymorphism of multiple loci. STR/SSR markers can reveal these variations well, and different STR/SSR markers can be polymorphic in different varieties or even individuals, which is widely used in molecular typing, forensic identification, genetic hybridization and breeding, chromosome genetic correlation comparison and other fields. This service uses a genetic analyzer to detect fluorescently labeled DNA fragments and calculates the length of DNA fragments in combination with the molecular weight internal standard, making STR typing efficient and more accurate.